This is part of the ongoing automation and online interconnection process within the Government.This essentially means that backlog of cases and the need for judges to roam the country to
Dr Bitange Ndemo, whose Ministry of Information is spearheading the changes in conjunction with Cisco, revealed that there are plans to extend use of the technology to lower courts to avoid the inconvenience of moving prisoners to magistrates’ courts just for mention of their cases.
"Prisoners have to be driven from prisons to courts even if it is just for a mention of their cases...with the tele-presence technology, magistrates will communicate with the accused via networked screens where the two (magistrate and prisoner) can see each other without shifting location," explained Ndemo.
Efficiency in Government
"This will save the Government in terms of cost of transporting prisoners, congestion in courts, and eradicate backlog of cases," added Ndemo.
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